May.2024 14
Views: 268

EV relay(DC Contactor)

High -voltage DC components are essential for electric vehicles. Among all types of electric vehicles, electric buses and electric trucks, these electric vehicle relay (DC contactors) are essential. In most cases, the pre -charged relay and the main contact device are part of the battery disconnection unit (BDU) to protect the electronic devices and ensure safety.

Electric vehicle relay (DC contactor) in electric vehicles (YV Series) 
Electric vehicle relay (DC contactor) has been used in the electric vehicle market. They are now large -scale production to meet the needs of well-known global automobile manufacturers, and these manufacturers have established trust in YongNeng products. The high -voltage DC relay used in electric vehicles is installed between the car battery and the inverter, which is used to cut off the battery charging and discharge DC electricity. It is also used between external chargers and vehicle batteries. The application of the application is the General Electrical Relax (YV) series, with the rated voltage of 450V, 800V, 1000V, and 1500V DC, and the rated current is 40A ~ 400A.

With the continuous expansion of global renewable energy trends, the demand of YongNeng electric vehicle relay (DC contactor) is expected to double. The fast charger of an electric vehicle converts AC power to DC and powers the vehicle, while high -voltage DC relays are used for power supply and power off. ESS is a system that stored power, using EV Relays between batteries and PCS. Electric vehicle relay (DC contactor) is used to turn on/off the solar module in the photovoltaic system.

Based on its achievements in DC 400V electric vehicles, YongNeng will continue to commercialize electric vehicle relay (DC contactors) to DC 1000V and DC 1500V. Essence

The electric vehicle relay (DC contactor) products produced by Yongneng Electronics have matured in electric vehicle components.
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